Prebiotics, Probiotics and your Microbiome. Microbes and why we can’t live without them

Your gut is home to nearly 100 trillion microbes – weighing in at about 4lb (or 2kg). These microbes consist of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other organisms that are in the majority very good for us – in fact we couldn’t live without them. Did you know that  about half of your body is made up of bacteria cells, some studies say we have more bacteria cells than human cells! When you eat, you are feeding the bacteria and they feed you in return. 
As well as helping us digest our food they underpin our immune system; protecting us from infections and educating our white blood cells. They also influence our metabolism and determine whether we are thin or fat. They produce essential enzymes, hormones, vitamins and nutrients for our body and even communicate with our brain, influencing our behaviour, our cravings for food and even our feelings.
Our microbiome is everything! 
Sleep deprivation and stress are very disruptive to good bacteria, allowing bad bacteria to flourish. We need a good balance of all types of bacteria.
PROBIOTICS are the live bacteria/microorganisms/yeasts
PREBIOTICS are a special form of dietary fibre that acts as a food/fertilizer for the good bacteria in your gut. 
Since prebiotics feed the good bacteria in your system, getting more of them help you collect all the benefits of a balanced gut. Good gut health helps with nutrient absorption, immunity, and fat metabolism — plus, it just makes you feel better. Probiotics and prebiotics may help normalize gut microbiota disturbed by antibiotics or other stressors and in doing so, can improve your health

Where can we get them?
Prebiotics contain large amounts of indigestible fibres like inulin and other oligosaccharides which bacteria use as fuel to grow and multiply. Prebioticsare found naturally in many foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, pulses, whole grains, seeds, nuts) and can be isolated from plants (e.g chicory root, ) some common sources include: onion, garlic, leek, dandelion greens, burdock, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke , soybean, wheat bran. 
Probiotics may be found in dairy products (such as yogurt, kefir and cheese), fermented foods (if not pasteurized or heat -treated, such as sauerkraut, kombucha and kimchi) and dietary supplements.
Why consume them? 
In short; prebiotics feed the probiotics (food for the good bacteria already in the gut). Prebiotics may also improve GI health and calcium absorption. Prebiotics stimulate good bacteria species such as Biffidobacterium-which supress putrefactive bacteria (bad bacteria) and help prevent constipation and diarrhea. The international scientific association for probiotics and prebiotics recommends consuming at least 5 grams of prebiotics every day.
The live active cultures in probiotics may provide benefits in supporting digestive health, immune function and nutrient absorption. Some may even alleviate certain GI issues such as irritable bowel syndrome.
A diet full of processed foods and sugars will feed the bad bacteria. And when the bad bacteria overpower the good this is when issues will arise. We can also see signs of candida/yeast overgrowth during a colonic and having multiple hydrotherapy sessions can reduce this overgrowth, paired with cutting out sugars, and consuming selective antimicrobials, candida can be eliminated. 

We have a great Prebiotic fibre supplement available in clinic for anyone who wants to ensure they have their daily recommended intake covered. Also available is our Multiflora probiotic capsules
Probiotic implants               
Probiotics taken orally need to survive the acidic environment of our stomach. The pH of the stomach is 1.0 -3.0. The pH of the colon is 5.5-7.5 (1,2,3). Probiotics taken rectally bypass the acidic environment in the stomach, and the travelling distance of 7.5m approximately to the colon. Probiotics taken rectally ensures the destination is reached and the bacteria are still alive and stable.
Until the end of September receive a FREE PROBIOTIC IMPLANT with your colonic- a fast effective way to get the good bacteria into your colon-where they need to go.
After your colonic session is complete, you will have your final release on the toilet. Then we can do the probiotic implant. A probiotic implant is administering the probiotic capsule into the cleansed colon.