
“Suffering from chronic constipation over many years, Colon Hydrotherapy is something I have considered for some time, but I was never quite sure if this process could benefit me. It was by chance that 1 walked past Zoe’s clinic at a time when I was experiencing some uncomfortable weight gain, excessive abdominal bloating, abnormal flatulence, lack of energy and a feeling of being generally unwell. From the onset Zoe set my mind at ease with her professional, friendly manner
and I soon began the process of Colon Hydrotherapy. After my first visit, my body felt very much at ease, cooler and lighter inside. Very soon after following up with subsequent visits, the difference was amazing!
The results were that:
• my bloating had receded
• I felt much more alive
• I had an amazing increase in energy
• I had lost weight (4kg in 4 weeks)
• I had less flatulence
• my skin became clearer (people told me I looked years younger)
• the nagging backache I had been experiencing for quite some time had
Today constipation is a thing of the past, I am enjoying a feeling of wellness that has escaped me for many years and I am ever so grateful to Zoe for such incredible results. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or would simply like to increase your vitality and improve your quality of life, I would thoroughly recommend a visit to Zoe for some Colon Hydrotherapy.”