Coffee Enema

Coffee enemas can be used to detoxify the body and open the bile duct system, flushing stagnant bile from the liver and gallbladder

1. The purpose of coffee enemas is to stimulate the liver to increase its detoxification of the blood and decrease the toxic load on the liver. This includes removing a variety of toxins and free radicals from the bloodstream.

2. They are not for everyone. Coffee enemas are not recommended unless under strict supervision of an experienced Gerson Practitioner if any of the following exist:
a. Currently undergoing chemotherapy
b. Renal, cardiac or respiratory failure
c. Bleeding and/or ulceration in the colon tract
d. Ulcerative Colitis
e. Crohn’s disease
f. Ileostomy (no colon)
g. Hypertension and/or tachycardia
h. Pregnant 
i. Acute or ongoing chronic diarrhea until investigated by a physician
j. First 6-8 weeks post-surgery (always check with your primary physician)

3. The coffee solution is not held in the liver. In fact, it’s held in the colon. The vessels in the lower part of the descending colon and rectum carry the solution to the liver. The potent compounds in coffee are absorbed by the hemorrhoidal and mesenteric veins that route to the liver.

4. The coffee enema itself does not produce bile. The coffee does cause some stimulation of the liver to produce bile, but it’s the potent compounds including caffeine, theobromine and theophylline that dilate blood vessels, bile ducts and relax smooth muscles, increasing the flow of bile.

5. Electrolytes are lost during evacuation, and therefore coffee enemas should always be balanced by juice. The typical ratio is 3:1 (three, 8 oz. juices for each coffee enema) or drink drink plenty of water.